Quillaja Saponaria Extract

Quillaja Saponaria Extract Product Description Quillaja saponaria extract (also spelled “quillaia”) is a type of herbal extract  this is brown powder made from bark of the soapbark tree.It has a sweet, pungent odor. The word quillay is derived from the native Mapuche word quillean, which means “to wash.” Quillaja Saponaria Extract Specification Product Name Quillaja saponaria extract Botanical Source Quillaja saponaria Part USed Bark Sepcification 10%-50% SAPONINS Test Method UV Appearance Brown Fine Powder Quillaja Saponaria Extract Function With the function of laxation, which will facilitate water. Quillaja saponaria extract With the function of relaxating muscle. With the function of antibacterial, such as inhibiting staphylococcus aureus, salmonella typhi and escherichia coli. Increasing platelet and fibrinogen, which will help stop bleeding. What is quillaia extract used for? In foods, quillaia is used in frozen dairy desserts, candy, baked goods, gelatins, and puddings. It is also used in beverages and cocktails and as a foaming agent in root beer. In manufacturing, quillaia extracts … Continue reading Quillaja Saponaria Extract