Tremella Fuciformis Extract Powder

What is Tremella Fuciformis Extract ? Tremella fuciformis is a parasitic yeast that grows as a slimy film until it encounters its preferred hosts, also fungi like Annulohypoxylon archeri, which the yeast invades, triggering the fast growth required to form the fruiting bodies found on decaying wood. So there are three components to this ingredient. The three-species “organism” can be cultivated on fallen wood if the two species of fungus are inoculated together. Let’s start by saying that this is an edible mushroom, and safety should always be our main concern. It has also been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. Tremella fuciformis extract is used in women’s beauty products from China, Korea, and Japan. The main component of this extract is polysaccharides that contain mannose and uronic acid. The polysaccharide will prevent oxidative damage by UVA and photoaging and prevent collagen breakdown by proteases. Snow mushroom polysaccharides form gels that will retain moisture when applied to the skin; they … Continue reading Tremella Fuciformis Extract Powder