Sodium Hyaluronate/Hyaluronic Acid Powder

Sodium Hyaluronate/Hyaluronic acid Product Description Sodium Hyaluronate (Sodium Hyaluronate) is known as “natural moisturizing factor”. Its unique moisturizing function can play the role of moisturizing, anti-aging, etc. It is favored by cosmetic formulations and has a very wide range of effects in the field of cosmetics. . Sodium hyaluronate, with the chemical formula (C14H20NO11Na)n, is an inherent component in the human body. It is a glucuronic acid with no species specificity. It is widely present in the placenta, amniotic fluid, lens, articular cartilage, and skin. Dermis and other tissues; in organs, it is distributed in the cytoplasm and intercellular substance, and plays a lubricating and nourishing role for the cells and cellular organs contained therein. Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is a sugar molecule that occurs naturally in the skinis. Hyaluronic is a clear, gooey substance. The largest amounts of it are found in skin, connective tissue and eyes. Hyaluronic acid functions to retain water to keep tissues lubricated … Continue reading Sodium Hyaluronate/Hyaluronic Acid Powder