Apigenin of the role

Apigenin is a substance with relatively high nutritional content, and it also has a certain effect of curing diseases.
It is a compound of flavonoids and polysaccharides.
It is not only found in lettuce, but also in many vegetables and fruits in the warm temperate zone. It has such trace elements, which can prevent aortic atherosclerosis and prevent aortic atherosclerosis.
The actual effect of antioxidant properties is also better at the anti-tumor level.
1. Prevent aortic atherosclerosis
Apigenin inhibits the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells, a key cause of aortic atherosclerosis and other vascular disorders.
This reminds that it plays a key role in preventing cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and atherosclerosis.
2. Antioxidant effect
It has general antioxidant properties. It is a strong metal ion antioxidant, which can reduce its participation in free radical reactions by chelating with metal ions, block the conversion of oxygen free radicals into reactions, and then reduce the conversion of oxygen free radicals.
Apigenin can inhibit lipid peroxidation.
3. Anti-tumor effect
Apigenin has anti-tumor effect. It can inhibit tumor cell growth, induce tumor cell necrosis; inhibit tumor angiogenesis, erosion and migration.
Apigenin is also a very potent anticancer compound. It is highly selective for cancer cells and can induce apoptosis of cancer cells with high selectivity without damaging normal cells.
It also has a very high safety threshold, and active (anticancer) doses can be obtained by eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. Apigenin beneficially affects most types of cancer.
It may exert neuroprotective effects against excitotoxicity and prevent calcium accumulation in neural mitochondria.
Two glucopyranosides of it can exert antidiabetic effects in the body.
Apigenin exerts its anti-inflammatory effect through the influence of lipopolysaccharide by inhibiting NO synthase and COX2 enzymes in macrophages.
It also has the effect of inhibiting the production of interleukin-4. It can also inhibit TNFα elevation by interfering with NF-kb transcription and potential TNFα-induced upregulation of adhesion molecule 1.
Apigenin is one of the known bioflavonoid compounds with high selectivity in inducing selective apoptosis of cancer cells in vivo. Like other bioflavonoids, apigenin reduces oxidative stress, induces cell cycle inhibition, increases the efficacy of liver detoxification enzymes, and to some extent acts as an anti-inflammatory.
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